Wednesday, March 18, 2015

hey =)

waow, it's been two years since my last post
I wonder is there anyone gonna read this but myself
lot of stuffs have happened for the past 2 years
I can't believe that my last post was only till july 2013
and here I am, updating my blog in Taiwan, in my dorm
with my English being rusty and all 
these two years, waow again, 
reading back some of my post going OMFG what the hell was I blogging with all the emoticons and being bubbly and all 
can't stop laughing how carefree I was 2 years ago

new friends, new school, new environment
and of course new fats joined the Angela's body storage~ 
and here I am being an aunt already 
just being emotional and all of how fast time passed
when will I update my blog again? 
when will I reread the post I've blogged since I was 14 
and now I am 21 
studying veterinary medicine in NPUST 
with my hair getting longer everyday ever since graduation

i guess let the picture do the talking of how was the life for the pass 2 years? 


 hahaha yeah, lots of pictures
getting all emotional uploading and rearranging these pictures
it was a great almost 2 years of memories
let's make more memories for the years to come
really love you guys to the fullest
thank you =')